MS Student Final Exam Checklist This checklist must be completed by the student’s MS advisory committee at the student’s Final Exam. Student Name:_______________________ UKID:________________ Start Date:_____________ ___ I. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: (Minimum of 3 “core” members. All must be members of the graduate faculty. 2 members must be full members of the graduate faculty.) Committee Member Email Committee Member Email 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ___ II. COURSES: (All course work should be approved by the student’s Advisory Committee) a. Core Courses (Must complete 3 of the 5 core courses with a grade of B or higher) EE 611: Semester _____ Grade _____ EE 621: Semester _____ Grade _____ EE 640: Semester _____ Grade _____ EE 661: Semester _____ Grade _____ EE 685: Semester _____ Grade _____ Total Credits from core courses: _______ Note any repeats or withdrawals from core courses: _________________________________ b. Advanced or Specialty Courses: (Exclude EE 783 not contributing to pre-qualifying credit) Course Semester Grade Credits Course Semester Grade Credits Total Credit Hours Completed 0 ___________ Page 1 GPA ___________ MS Student Final Exam Checklist III. Publications and Patents (List publications in the format: AuthorLastName, first, “Title of Publication,” Journal Name, vol. #, pp. 1 – 4, Month, Year.) Refereed Journal Articles: [1] ____________________________________________________________________________ [2] ____________________________________________________________________________ [3] ____________________________________________________________________________ [4] ____________________________________________________________________________ Refereed Conference Publications: [1] ____________________________________________________________________________ [2] ____________________________________________________________________________ [3] ____________________________________________________________________________ [4] ____________________________________________________________________________ Other Publications (including Patents): [1] ____________________________________________________________________________ [2] ____________________________________________________________________________ [3] ____________________________________________________________________________ [4] ____________________________________________________________________________ IV. Awards & Activities (List any awards received, or significant activities, such as NSF ethics training) Award/Activity: _______________________________________________________ Awarding Institution:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Award/Activity: _______________________________________________________ Awarding Institution:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Award/Activity: _______________________________________________________ Awarding Institution:____________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________ Page 2 MS Student Final Exam Checklist ___ V. Final Defense: (See Rubrics for quantitative scoring) Defense Date:_____________ MS Thesis (Plan A) MS Project (Plan B) Thesis/Project Title: ________________________________________________________ Quality of Writing (Thesis/Project): _____ Quality of the Research: _____ Ability to Perform Creative Research: ____ 0.00 Overall Score: ________ Quality of Oral Presentation: ______ Ability to Field Technical Questions: _____ Committee Recommendation: Pass Fail Committee Comments: Chair Signature:________________________________ Date:___________________ Page 3